Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 16 -Temptation - liquid day

I'm doing pretty well. Lost about 5 or 6 pounds since beginning this. Exciting. Today's lesson was about temptation and how and when we are tempted. We were looking at Luke 4:1–13. Satan often wants us to doubt our relationship with God and rely on ourselves. I have definitely seen this in my life. Here's some good stuff that was in today's lesson:

The devil tempted Jesus to presume upon the promises of God. We presume upon the promises of God when we purposely sin while clinging to a promise of God. If Jesus had purposely sinned by throwing Himself down from the temple, He would have been testing God’s promise to not let Him fall. This has direct application to us who are involved in sinful eating habits. If I purposely overeat while claiming God's promise to forgive sin, I am testing God. It's the same as praying, "God, please forgive me for this sin I am about to commit,"—it presumes upon God's grace. This is an important principle. The devil will throw all kinds of Scripture our way to get us to sin against God by giving in to our flesh. "I will forgive your sins, and remember your wickedness no more," "All manner of sin and blasphemy will be forgiven among men," "Nothing can separate us from the love of God," "The evil I do not want to do, this I keep on doing," "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins," and so on. So how do we know when it is the devil using Scripture? If a Scripture is being used to lure us into sin, it is coming from the evil one.

It's interesting that one of the three major temptations Jesus underwent was food-related. We experience this temptation every day. Each time we sit down to a meal, we are presented with the temptation to gratify our lusts by overeating. Each time we eat when we are not hungry, we are trying to fill a void that only God is able to fill.
How do we win against these temptations? We win the same way Jesus did: by humble dependence upon God to meet our need for fullness, by resisting the onslaughts of temptation, and by feeding upon every Word of God and obeying what we read.

Good lesson today. Also, I was able to get up and workout even though I really didn't feel like it. For me, that's a big thing. I can work out when I feel like it, but I have a harder struggle with it when I'd rather just go back to sleep. I feel pretty good. :)

I can't wait till tonight when I get to eat the pumpkin bread that I made last night!

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